FastQC ======= We have our raw reads renamed and in our main working directory. We will run `FastQC `__ to check the reads quality. This analysis is quick and we will inspect the results visually. If we type: .. code-block:: bash ls *.gz .. code-block:: bash FG113_1.fastq.gz FG113_2.fastq.gz FG35_1.fastq.gz FG35_2.fastq.gz FGIntype_1.fastq.gz FGIntype_2.fastq.gz KGD465_1.fastq.gz KGD465_2.fastq.gz zygia917_1.fastq.gz zygia917_2.fastq.gz We can include the name of all those files in a name file: .. code-block:: bash ls *.gz > fastqcfiles Now take a look on what is inside the ``fastqcfiles``: .. code-block:: bash cat fastqcfiles .. code-block:: bash FG113_1.fastq.gz FG113_2.fastq.gz FG35_1.fastq.gz FG35_2.fastq.gz FGIntype_1.fastq.gz FGIntype_2.fastq.gz KGD465_1.fastq.gz KGD465_2.fastq.gz zygia917_1.fastq.gz zygia917_2.fastq.gz Now let's run FastQC on all the files using a loop: .. note:: If you don't have FastQC installed, please take a look in :doc:`installsoftware` Let's check and take note of the version we are using: .. code-block:: bash fastqc -v .. code-block:: bash FastQC v0.11.9 Using ``-h`` or ``--help`` we can check how FastQC works and the options available. .. code-block:: bash fastqc -h And finally run the loop: .. code-block:: bash while read f; do fastqc "$f" ; done < fastqcfiles Let's take a look in the output: .. code-block:: bash FG113 FG113_2_fastqc.html FGIntype_1.fastq.gz KGD465_2.fastq.gz zygia917_2.fastq.gz FG113_1.fastq.gz FG35_2.fastq.gz FGIntype_1_fastqc.html KGD465 KGD465_2_fastqc.html zygia917 zygia917_2_fastqc.html FG113_1_fastqc.html FG35 FG35_2_fastqc.html KGD465_1.fastq.gz zygia917_1.fastq.gz FG35_1.fastq.gz FGIntype_2.fastq.gz KGD465_1_fastqc.html acc zygia917_1_fastqc.html FG113_2.fastq.gz FG35_1_fastqc.html FGIntype FGIntype_2_fastqc.html fastqcfiles FastQC produces reports on ``html`` and in ``.zip`` format. We will use the ``html`` files to inspect visually our results. You can open them in any browser in your local machine. To understand how to interpret the results please check `FastQC's webpage `__ If you are running this pipeline in a server, here is a reminder on how to move files between servers and local machines: ``_ .. note:: We will use FastQC two times in the pipeline: in the raw reads and after using Trimmomatic to check the trimming effects. After inspecting the results, we are ready to the next step, which is to trim the raw reads and for that we will use Trimmomatic.